
Spring Cleaning Tips to Help You Organize Your Home

Spring is in the air, meaning it’s time for spring cleaning! Whether you’re a mom trying to keep your home clean for your family or just trying to stay organized, these spring cleaning tips will help you get the job done.

1. Create a plan of attack.
Before throwing things out and moving furniture around, develop your plan. Sit down and map out what you want to accomplish during spring cleaning. A plan will help you stay focused and on track. My book “Beautifully Organized Home Planner” is a great tool to help you structure your spring cleaning.

2. Donate or sell items you no longer need or want.
One of the best ways to declutter your home is to rid your home of items you no longer need or want. If you have clothes that no longer fit, toys your kids have outgrown, or furniture you don’t use anymore, consider donating them to a local charity or selling them online. Donating or selling items will free up space in your home and make it feel less cluttered.

3. Clean one room at a time.
Trying to clean your entire house in one day is exhausting and overwhelming. Instead, focus on cleaning one room at a time. Cleaning one room at a time helps you stay focused and motivated, and deep cleaning a room is much easier when you’re not trying to do everything simultaneously.

4. Put things away when you finish.
A great way to keep your home organized is to put things away as soon as you finish with them. You may think this would be common sense, but things can get out of control quickly if you’re not putting things away when finished using them. Next time you use a towel, hang it up instead of leaving it on the floor when you finish using it. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

5. Make a schedule and stick to it.
Once you’ve got your home into shape, it’s essential to maintain cleanliness by making a schedule and sticking to it. Whether doing a load of laundry every day or vacuuming once a week, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Creating a maintenance schedule will help prevent your home from becoming a cluttered mess in the future.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be daunting or overwhelming—it can actually be quite therapeutic! Follow these simple tips to declutter and organize your home this spring cleaning season. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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