With the start of the New Year most of us are pumped to start all of those home organization and renovation projects. I know I am definitely a part of that group. As soon as January arrived I was ready to dive in and refresh my home. If there is one thing I would love to get sorted this year, it would have to be our windows. The windows in our home are getting quite old now and are not keeping the cold out as well as they used to, so I am hoping that this is the year we finally get them replaced! A friend of ours found a great window installation specialist by searching online for ‘replacement windows austin tx‘ so I might just have to do the same. Windows to one side though, I decided to start our renovation projects for this year with the kitchen. The kitchen is one of my favorite spaces and I love staying on top of keeping it purged, fresh and beautiful (at least in my eyes). A few months ago, I shared my kitchen organization video with you on my At Home With Nikki YouTube channel. I took you through all of my cabinets and drawers to show you how I had it organized. I love having a kitchen that is well organized, and where everything has place. My thought is one that a kitchen can function and be beautiful at the same time.
If you are on my Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you may have already been on this kitchen refresh journey with me. I tried to share the spaces that I was working on each day. My thought is to do a little each day. It is amazing how much you can get accomplished when you break up a daunting task into a mini task.
The most challenging space in my kitchen to keep organized is the fridge. It gets so much use each day that I have to stay on top of it. The pantry is on my list of the second most challenging space to keep in order. No matter how much I purge my pantry, I can still find things that can be passed on to be a blessing to others before they expire. My pantry was itching for a purge. After the holidays I find so many items that I know I will most likely not use such as extra cans of cranberry sauce or an overabundance of vegetable stock. January is the perfect month for a kitchen refresh.
I must say that all in all this year’s refresh was a breeze. There was minimal purging, and I stayed focused on the task of doing a little each day for one week. I wish you all success with getting your home in order.
Blessings & Love