
My Beautiful Coffee Surprise!

So today I received such a beautiful surprise in the mail from one of my dearest friends. She is just so fabulous! Every few months she has this absolutely delicious luxury coffee sends to me. It is just such a beautiful treat. Getting surprises like that can really make your day, having a beautifully brewed cup of coffee to start your morning off is a luxury. You can now get coffee at wholesale prices, so if you’re starting a little coffee shop or you are just a massive coffee addict, there are ways in which you can get what you need and want!

To give you a little background. She and I visited Paris back in 2011. On that trip, we enjoyed the most scrumptious espresso and coffee during our stay. Well, I tell you, this coffee that she sends me has the same flavor that we experienced in Paris. So every time I have a cup it just brings back all the great memories from our trip.

So I am off to go stock the coffee bar with my 5 yummy new bags of Carte Noire and pull out the coffee press to make me a nice large cup of coffee! Hope you all are having a fantastic day! Nikki

Carte Noire

This is the coffee that she sends. It is so delicious! If you would like to know more about the coffee, the Carte Noire website is: is in french so you may need to break out the google translate app :). It is a fine french coffee (great blend). It is imported from france in which you can buy from in the US.

My Original Experience in Paris

Here is a cup of YUMMY espresso I had while on my trip in Paris. We were at one of the many outdoor cafes, enjoying the sites and are oh so delicious espresso. One of my favorite things to do while in Paris is to cafe hop! :).

Just More Random Paris Pictures

Here are just some more random pictures from that trip. It was such a great trip that provided us with so many life long memories.
  1. Linda says:

    What a lovely story – thanks for sharing, Nikki!
    I am waiting for my new Keurig latte machine to come in as my addition to my coffee bar so that I can add espresso to the menu 🙂
    Coffee and friendship – a great recipe for making memories!!

  2. Carol Royal says:

    Lucky girrrrl ! Makes me wish I liked to drink coffee…love, love the smell tho! Thanks so very much for sharing…I can live thru you…haha…Paris looks like a dream. You and the photo shots are beautiful!

  3. kim says:

    yum yum…..

  4. Kim F. W. says:

    Nikki have you ever tried Illy coffee … that’s my favorite of all. However, I may have to try Carte Noire! You look like you had a ball in Paris. That’s my next international destination (my passport is expiring soon), LOL!

  5. Patricia says:

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures. My husband and I are planning a trip to Paris for our 25th wedding anniversary. Since you’ve been there, what part of Paris do you think is the best to stay? Any hotel suggestions? Would love to get the opinion of someone who has been there. I recently discovered your blog and youtube channel. Love!

    • Gloria C. says:

      Highly recommend Hotel Bellechasse– fun, quirky, and very chic! We also stayed at Hitel Bassano–it’s more subdued, but quaint. Have fun in Paris!

  6. Gloria C. says:

    Hi Nikki. First off you are such a beautiful person – inside and out! You are so inspiring and I feel I am your friend just through your wonderful blog and YouTube videos. You talk to us followers in such a wonderful way– like we were all dear friends–thank you for that! Love all your ideas and your dedication to your home! I am glad I found you at a time when I needed inspiration like this. For the previous reader, my husband and I went to Paris for my 40th birthday and we stayed at Hotel Bellachasse and Hotel Bassano, both which I recommend. I love, love, love Paris and was so happy to see your pictures and read your posts!

  7. Shelby MIHAN says:

    I , too , have been blessed with several Paris trips (I am a French teacher and tutor) and as you know, there is nothing like it! The Parisian caf’e experience got me hooked on coffee… GOOD , strong, coffee! Vive la France!

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