
My Household Online Shopping Experience & Give-a-way

Online shopping is the way to go these days.  With many of us having such busy schedules and tons of daily demands and responsibilities we need time savers in our lives.  Shopping online is such an efficient way to get those items we need in our home on a regular basis (without the hassle of going to the store).   P&G was so gracious that they sent me a $100.00 gift card to to experience purchasing household items online.   In the video below I share that experience with you along with why I love shopping online.  Hope you find it helpful and enjoy.  Please also be sure to enter the giveaway below for a $25.00 gift card which is compliments of P&G.   
  1. carolynkatri says:

    Online shopping saves my time and money. Thank you, Nikki!

  2. Tammy Proctor says:

    I love your blog and all of your great tips !!!

  3. Kelbresha says:

    This is such a wonderful idea! Being the Mother of 3 young boys these items are necessary in our daily lives. And sometime buying household items such as tissue and paper towels is a pain in the neck to have in your shopping cart along with groceries and 3 kids fighting over a seat in the cart. This will allow me to stock up on these items and be able to put them away quickly too.

  4. Delores Peoples says:

    I would love to try tfg

  5. Debbie Olak says:

    I have never purchased household items like cleaning supplies, but i have purchased office supplies from walmart. I think it would be neat to receive laundry soap or dishsoap at my door step.

  6. Lynn says:

    Hi Nikki, i’ve only purchased personal stuff online but never bought household items. This will be a first for me if I win. Thank you so much for this. Have a great week! Lynn

  7. jackielajohn says:

    I watched your video and NEVER thought about this would make my life easier if I ordered online. I will give this careful consideration. I think it would help me to budget better!

  8. Nicole T. says:

    I’ve actually always been weary about shopping online for home items such as paper products for the kitchen and bathroom, as well as detergent. But I feel more confident in doing so after watching your video and reading this blog!

  9. Sandra says:

    Never done online shopping before
    For household items willing to give it a try!!
    New to ur channel n blog 🙂

  10. tammy says:

    love this idea, especially since having hand surgery due to a work injury. going to the store is quite the challenge at the moment. please excuse the typing…this is one handed too 🙂

  11. Joyce Booth says:

    It has never occurred to me to buy grocery items online and have them shipped to my door. This would make my life so much easier. To be honest I detest shopping at the grocery store anymore and this is ideal. Rude shoppers and long checkout lines be gone!

  12. I have purchased many products online, but never household products. I thought it might be a waste of money for paying for shipping and handling. Versus driving to my local Walmart…

  13. Carla says:

    Thanks Nikki I am going shop online it a great way to stay on budget.

  14. Jennifer Epps says:

    I had never thought of shopping online for household products either…what a great idea!!! Thanks Nikki!!

  15. Kate DiRaimo says:

    Very nice idea and great giveaway! Thanks much!

  16. Shante Jones says:

    I like ordering from, especially when my friend had her baby, I sent her things so she wouldn’t leave her home

  17. Linda says:

    Good luck everyone.

  18. Mary Gonzales says:

    I regularly purchase household items from through their “subscribe & save” program.

  19. Tea says:

    This would be a wonderful gift. Walmart is right around the corner from my house and with school about to start back, this would be perfect.

  20. Tea says:

    I have never purchased household items online, but would love to give it a try.

  21. Chrys says:

    Love shopping online! You can really find some great deals and when you bundle everything up the free shipping is the cherry on top. The only thing I dislike is waiting about a week for delivery lol

  22. Tashia Hill says:

    I didn’t realize until I saw your YouTube video and post that I could order my household products online. I hate running out of these items, but it’s a pain to lug them home. However, I was wondering can you still use manufacturer coupons for these items when you shop for them online?

  23. Marina says:

    Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  24. Evelyn says:

    I’ve never purchased household items online… unless you include my water filters for my refrigerator… but I consider that sort of a special order item instead of everyday household items.

  25. Tujuana says:

    I have ordered online which is very helpful with household products.

  26. Dee says:

    Hi Nikki, I like you never thought about purchasing household items online. I like to comparison shop as well as use any coupons I may have. How does this work online? If I have this option, I may consider changing the way I shop for these particular items.

  27. Joanne Braun says:

    I’ve been wanting to try the online shopping for grocery’s & household items, you have inspired me to give it a go! What a time and money saver! Thanks Nikki!

  28. Devon Ryan says:

    I love to do my grocery shopping online. I’ll definitely have to start shopping for household items online too.

  29. Rebecca says:

    I love your blog and YT channel. You have helped me become more organized and use my time for efficiently in my home.

  30. Renee says:

    I have never purchased those everyday used items online and it totally make sense. It is as big time saver for sure

  31. Donna says:

    Would love to try the on-line shopping at Walmart.

  32. Lisa James says:

    Wonderful idea!

  33. Alissa says:

    I do purchase items online but have never purchased everyday use items such as these.

  34. I knew that you could purchase household items from Amazon, but not Walmart. I haven’t previously done it, but I’d be happy to try it out if the prices are competitive with Costco and Sam’s Club.

  35. Nancy H says:

    What a great idea! I am getting more efficient at home and this seems to be a perfect way to help with that goal!

  36. Holly Bond says:

    I am looking forward to shopping at Great way to shop!

  37. Sheila Norwood says:

    I wish you could use coupons online.

  38. Vickie says:

    Love your videos. I have purchased online before and it does make life so much easier.

  39. Dorothy Holland says:

    wow I must really try that great idea I’m all for saving money

  40. Sharon says:

    Great tip. I also use Amazon’s subscribe & save for paper products and pantry items I frequently use.

  41. Tawana Smith says:

    Yes, I have purchased household item on line. I love the ease off it, no lines and no hassle.

  42. Sarah says:

    Yep, I purchase household items online quite often actually. There’s a lot of websites out there that have a “subscribe and save option” for frequently scheduled purchases.

  43. Sarah says:

    Oops, definitely just said the same thing as Mary. Oh well, the more the merrier–no pun intended ;P

  44. Elizabeth says:

    I order gifts all the time online very easy and convenient.

  45. Nichcole Petersen says:

    Great post Nikki, will be trying this!!

  46. Angela says:

    Great idea to stay on budget.

  47. peggy innamorato says:

    I never bought groceries online, would be interesting to see how much I would save.

  48. Melody Arnold says:

    I haven’t order any products online other than things from Amazon. I would love to buy household items online and save me a trip to Walmart.

  49. Shandria says:

    I absolutely love your blog! I too often shop online, however not for these household items. I I’m definitely going to start because I’m extremely busy I work and attention college both fulltime my day starts at 6am andbends at 11pm. Thanks for the tip, and keep em coming!

  50. Tanya says:

    Hi Nikki! I love all of your great ideas! My husband and I recently had surgery and haven’t been able to buy our usual high quantity of household items due to the bulkiness. I never thought of shopping online for these items! Thanks for sharing!

  51. Teresa says:

    I never thought about purchasing household items online. Thanks for sharing this info!

  52. Phyllis Franco says:

    I would love to try ordering household items online. Always thought it’d be more expensive to do after paying shipping. But, if shipping is free for over $50, then I’m in!

  53. GinaR says:

    I have never purchased paper goods and things like that online .. Only shampoo and face stuff …

  54. Carol says:

    I’ve purchased from for home products before but not from any on the big store places. Can you use coupons when soaping online at these retailers?

  55. Gail Evans says:

    Great video…I would love to order this kind of stuff on-line! Love all your videos…keep up the great work! Thanks

  56. Wanda says:

    Thank you for the giveaway and the great idea!

  57. Kavya says:

    Nice video….yes, I do shop online for household items on, Amazon and Walmart.

  58. Tammy Ford says:

    I have never given it a thought to order this stuff on online myself, I do order some stuff online just not this kinda stuff. Could give it a tr though. Thank you Nikki!!!

  59. Kimberley says:

    I have never purchased household cleaning products or paper goods online. I will make a point next time to order my cleaning and paper products online. Thank you for the video.

  60. Rachel says:

    I shop online a good bit but never considered doing some of my weekly shopping for things you mentioned. Filling a cart now! THANKS!!

  61. Shonda says:

    Great idea!

  62. Melody says:

    I’ve never considered shopping for household goods online before. Thanks to your blog post, I’ll definitely consider it.

  63. Megan says:

    I completely agree that shopping online helps stay on budget. When I’m in the store, I think, oh this is only $10, of this is only $6, oh this is only $2 and then when I get to the register, I’m like, uhhhh.. how did I just spend $150? With shopping online, you see everything add up right there and can weed out the non-necessity items right there without the hassle of going through bags and having the cashier take items off you bill, or going over budget and just swiping your card to save the cashier, yourself, and the customers behind you time and hassle.

  64. Theresa says:

    I am like you, I have grocery shopped online. I did order toilet paper once from Amazon, that was more of a one-time coupon thing, but it makes sense to order other supplies too. Thanks for sharing with us!

  65. Mariliz says:

    I have purchased these products online before. As long as I have enough to qualify for free shipping and the prices are compatible to my budget.

  66. Viviana says:

    love this idea!!!!

  67. Adelina says:

    Hi Nikki!
    This video is one of those “why haven’t I thought about this sooner” kind of things – I, too, shop online for some things, but I don’t know why I haven’t bought any household items yet… Thank you for sharing this video! 🙂

  68. Vadedra says:

    I’ve never thought about buying household products online before, but I buy lots of other items online so it would be just as easy.

  69. Sonya Howard says:

    Hi, I enjoyed the video review. I love shopping at Walmart, but I never knew that you could by food and household items online. I would love to try it!

  70. Erica says:

    I am excited to try shopping for household items online. I had never thought about it before but I want to try it out.

  71. Shannon says:

    Never thought of buying those type of things online. So many places offer free shipping now, it does seem like a time saver. Thanks

  72. Wendy S. says:

    Thanks Nikki. I actually recently placed an order at, was thrilled with the free shipping and also that I could pay with Paypal if I wanted to.

  73. susan johns says:

    I love shopping online! I recently had surgery and will not be able to be out and about for a couple months and online shopping is my best friend!

  74. Susie says:

    That is great Nikki you had a great experience to buy household goods online. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would love to win the gift card and give that a try myself!

  75. I have actually purchased online before, but from Amazon and I know Walmart has better prices at times than they do. Very interesting topic, Nikki!

  76. Ramya says:

    I love to do online shopping. Will start online shopping for household items from now

  77. Cynthia says:

    I have never tried this Nikki but would like to give it a go! not speaking for the fact that it would be so convenient and save on gassing up the vehicle! TYFS! Luv & Hugz, Cynthia

  78. Lori says:

    I never thought about ordering laundry detergent online because I thought the shipping would be too high to be beneficial. But if I order my household supplies for the month all at once I would definitely be able to qualify for the free shipping. I’m definitely going to give it a try!

  79. Charlotte sayles says:

    You’ve opened my eyes! Being without a job recently has been a struggle and trying to stay out of the stores when you run out of something. I think shopping on line for things like Christmas or items for home like towels so I want to thank you, now I won’t have to look at all the goodies I can’t afford right now. I love your suggestions and videos. Please keep sharing.

  80. Cindy says:

    I buy all my household items online using Amazon Subscribe and Save

  81. Christine says:

    Hi Nikki! Great idea, thanks!

  82. Lois says:

    Would love to win n try it, thanks P&G

  83. lisa foster says:

    No, I haven’t, but now I am going to try it!

  84. Jenn says:

    Great idea with the online shopping… great for tight budgets and home management

  85. Melissa says:

    I have but not regularly!

  86. Dicksi says:

    I’ve never thought about buying household items that you mentioned. Maybe I will now, especially if I’m lucky to win! Thanks for the giveaway chance! Love your blog & videos, Nikki!!

  87. mabeth says:

    I would love to try this. I buy p&g products all the time anyway.

  88. Dee says:

    This is a great idea. Especially with the free shipping over $50.

  89. georgette says:

    I have not shop on line, but it looks real easy. thanks nkiik

  90. Marianne says:

    I actually use Walmart To Go. It helps me a lot since I have a newborn.

  91. K.Daniels says:

    Without going into specifics this would be such a blessing to my family right now. Really enjoyed the video and the information that you can buy P&G and other reliable household products at

  92. Aerie says:

    Hi there, Nikki! Thanks so much for the giveaway. I’ve used to do my grocery shopping before, but I’ve never thought to get other household necessities through there. Can you use coupons that way? I’d imagine not…

  93. Brenda says:

    Gosh Nikki, I never even gave it a thought to shop for these items online. I am loving the idea though, so thanks for sharing this with us!!

  94. Susan says:

    I buy these things from amazon fairly often. Great video!

  95. Nadia says:

    What a great idea! And, I wouldn’t have to lug all this bulky stuff from the cart to my car!

  96. dzenana says:

    I never shopped on-line.

  97. Daaimah T says:

    I have purchased many things online but never household items. I am going to give it a try.

  98. Cheran C says:

    Hi Nikki! I shop online a lot too but I never thought about buying those things online! That will save me a lot of time and trouble in the store. I live in a tourist town so it can be VERY busy at times. Thanks for opening my eyes to this!

  99. Adrienne says:

    What a great idea! I don’t do a lot of online shopping, but it sure is convenient.

  100. Tracie says:

    I have used click and pull from Sam’s Club for my household items but haven’t purchased them online and had them shipped to my door. Definitely something to try.

  101. Monique Garner says:

    I will be trying this. Never thought to do it until is.

  102. Kanika says:

    I have only purchased one thing online ever so it would be interesting shopping for household items online. I would like to give it a try and see how I like it. Thanks for the opportunity.

  103. Jennifer A says:

    I’ve never purchased household items online, but will be giving it a try soon!

  104. Dottie says:

    I love this idea ! I am going to try it this week . Thanks Nikki for this great tip.

  105. Cherraye says:

    I’ve never shopped online for household items. It actually sounds like a good idea.

  106. Malika says:

    Great video and idea!
    I had never considered purchasing household items online before now. However, my lifestyle will change soon and I won’t have the time I used to have to make shopping trips. This will not only save time but also help me stick to my budget. I will definitely start I implementing this right away!
    Thank you for another wonderful idea!

  107. Tasha says:

    I think I may just try shopping online! I have 4 children and tons of activities … This would cut out atleast one thing that I have to go and do outside our home!

  108. Emily Grace says:

    I have not purchased household items online before, but it certainly sounds like a good idea since you can see other reviews for items you maybe haven’t tried before and the convenience of having a delivery worker bring them to your door instead of having to load them yourself. Would love to win the giftcard! Thank you!

  109. Gina says:

    I love online shopping, I have never thought about ordering household items. But I will be sure yo give it a try.

  110. Laurie says:

    I love online shopping and use it regularly for gifts, etc. Now I’m anxious to see how well it works for the day-to-day items!

  111. Karen Miller says:

    This is something I owuld love to try.

  112. April says:

    I love shopping online, I wish our local grocery store had online ordering available.

  113. Michele Benedict says:

    I have purchased Charmin toilet paper online before and it was great! so easy just as you said in your video! Thanks for this opportunity to win.
    xo Michele

  114. Marquita says:

    I’ve never shopped in this manner for household items…definitely have to give it a try.

  115. Tisha H. says:

    Never thought about grocery shopping online. I will have to try it.

  116. Radhika says:

    I shop online a lot, but for clothes, shoes etc only. Never thought of shopping for groceries online, but looks like a great idea. Will give it a try.

  117. kris g says:

    I have done a small amount of this type of shopping online, but plan to increase this type shopping. Money and time saver :).

  118. Andrea says:

    I love shopping online. I save so much time and gas! I get to spend more quality time with my family😀

  119. Melissa DuBois says:

    I have a question, Can you redeem coupons as well for products you are buying? I know sometimes when I forget a coupon I just take it and the receipt back to the store and they give me the vaule of my forgotten coupons.

  120. kathy ray says:

    Would love to try online shopping for my home needs thanks for having this giveaway

  121. Jamie schnirch says:

    I live in a remote area and love ordering from Walmart. Thanks for the videos.

  122. Dana says:

    I LOVE shopping online. I find the stores offer more options online than they carry in the stores. I find a better variety online!

  123. organizecomamor priscila c says:

    great idea, i will try this method next month. thank you!

  124. Susan says:

    No I haven’t but would love to give it a try.

  125. Denise Copeland says:

    I have never shopped for household items. But I’m going to give it a try.

  126. Kim says:

    I’ve purchased food online before but never household items. Seems like it could be fun! Also, I love your Home Tips series!!

  127. Raymart says:

    So glad I watched this video! I’m definitely looking forward to online shopping for home goods.

  128. Michelle says:

    I have purchased household items online before. It is a great way to take advantage of the deals/sales in the flyers without having to go to the store only to find out that they have sold out.

  129. dawn says:

    thats awesome, never thought of ordering cleaning supplies online

  130. Tamara says:

    I have not purchased household items, but I my son has order dog and cat food.

  131. Lesli Rodriguez says:

    This sounds awesome! Totally would save me a lot of time!!

  132. Gina H. says:

    I have not purchased household products online, but I can see how it might be a timesaver.

  133. Nancy Hensley says:

    I have never bought basic household items on line. Sounds interesting!

  134. porsha says:

    I have before from

  135. Lisa says:

    This is such a fantastic recommendation! I’ve never thought about doing my household shopping online. I definitely think it would help with the budget! I can’t wait to give it a try! Thanks!

  136. Alia says:

    Nope but would like to try!

  137. Christine Davis says:

    I haven’t purchased many household items online. I only order the ones that I can’t find in my area or are out of stock at my store. I was surprised, however, that you could buy such a variety of household items online. Thanks for the video Nikki and to P&G for the giveaway.

  138. m ciambra says:

    Great idea, especially for those snowy winter months in New England.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  139. awesome good luck all

  140. PHENIX says:

    I have not purchased household items but you make many convincing arguments in your post. My only hesitation is that I like to use coupons. Is there a way to combine coupon savings online.

  141. Belinda Hawn says:

    I never even thought about shopping online for these items before your video. My two children are in the vehicle so much commuting back and forth to school and different activities the last thing they want after a busy day is to spend more time in a store. I am going to try shopping online for my everyday stuff.

  142. Pamela DeStefano says:

    I have purchased toiletries and cosmetics on-line but not household products, but I didn’t realize you could do that at I’m going to try it as soon as I make my regular shopping list!

  143. Tracy Johnsotn says:

    I love your channel Nikki, you have the best ideas including this one.

  144. Whitney Champion says:

    I need to try this! I live 20 minutes from a store so this would save so much money in gas! Would love to see more videos on your online shopping, where you do it, what you shop for, etc. Thank you!

  145. Rhonda Slabaugh says:

    Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for sharing as well. I appreciate your advice and take into consideration for me and my family. Blessings

  146. Chantelle says:

    I have shopped online for personal products from, and I have shopped online for home decor & linens from, but never considered shopping for cleaning products online. I may try this in the future.

  147. Minnie says:

    I’ve never ordered household items online, but I would try it especially if shipping is free. Thanks for sharing Nikki!

  148. Katasha says:

    What a great idea!

  149. Loretta says:

    I’ve never bought my regular household items online, but I’ll definitely look into it!

  150. Nadine says:

    Since I am about to dorm in the fall I think i am going to shop online at walmart for household items! solo smart!

  151. Annie says:

    Clairol Hair Dye – buy 4, they’ll give you a box for free.

  152. Serena Riley says:

    I have always thought about it, but have never pulled the trigger. You make it sound so easy, maybe I will have to try it this week!

  153. Carrline Whitfield says:

    I have shopped on line but not for household items such bathroom supplies, I think I will give it a try.

  154. Shronda says:

    I order things online all the time but NEVER thought to order household items. Thanks for the tip!!

  155. Boogie Campisi says:

    I’m an Amazon & Walmart shopper, we get as much as we can from them because their prices are much better but I never thought to order basics as paper towels etc, going to give it a try!

  156. Dawn Harris says:

    I’m an avid shopper online. Never thought to buy household cleaning etc. online. Would love the experience.

  157. Jessica says:

    I love shopping online it is very convenient and since I work as a counselor in the prison system my time is very scarce! Love your videos and how you helped me in making my life easier. I even began meal planning for my fiancé so he does not miss as much when I am not at his house and he can still have my cooking each day. Be Blessed.

  158. Suzi McLaughlin says:

    Just found you and I’m so excited about a bunch of your wonderful ideas. Thanks and look forward to so many more.

  159. Angela says:

    I have purchased items online, I like to use or but I don’t do it enough!

  160. Agbeke says:

    Never, but I’ve love to try it.

  161. Mary R says:

    Yes,I have purchased household items online

  162. Jeanene Crowley says:

    Hi Nikki,
    I’ve never ordered items like these online before, but I’ll give it a try now! Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  163. Mary Roberson says:

    Hi Nikki,
    I think online shopping is wonderful, especially for cleaning supplies. Some sites even have online coupons for P & G products. Also, you can go to P&G’s site and buy their products. Love April Fresh Downy & wish they had it in a dryer bar.

  164. Renee says:


  165. kelly royston says:

    No. I really only rarely order anything online, but I like the convenience of not leaving your home!

  166. Kim says:

    What a great idea – this sounds so much better than lugging the kids to the store with me – especially when household items take up so much of the cart space! TFS!

  167. Amy says:

    I’ve never purchased household items online, but I think I will now! I look forward to running my errands more efficiently, online that is:-) Thank you

  168. Jamie Gangi says:

    I never would have thought of this if you hadn’t brought it to my attention. Great idea, thanks!

  169. Nicole Millheim says:

    Yes i have

  170. Patricia says:

    I love online shopping! It saves me money, time and many times I find deals that aren’t in the store! Thank you for a great giveaway!

  171. Shelly Peterson says:

    I shop online but have not purchased household items.

  172. Morgan says:

    I love the convenience of buying online. I’m a night person, so being able to buy what I need when I’m awake at 3 am is great.

  173. Requelle says:

    Hi Nikki!
    I have never shopped for household items online before. I love Walmart and I’m curious to experience online shopping with Walmart!

  174. Andrea A. says:

    What a timesaver! I really never thought about this. Thanks for sharing.

  175. Connie says:

    My husband usually purchases our household items. He tends to buy things we don’t need. This would be awesome for him. We could put money on a card to keep us on budget.

  176. Hope says:

    I love! I’ve never thought about using it for household items and would love to give it a try! Keep up the great work Nikki!!!

  177. Dana Hayden says:

    I never purchased household product online but I would give it a try. Thanks Nikki!

  178. Oksan says:

    Wow, I never thought about shopping online…this would be pretty cool to give it a try.

  179. Jackie T says:

    Hi Nikki! I started watching your channel about 2 months ago and I can’t get enough! I am now putting your words into action in my own home and it feels so much better being organized and having schedules! Thank You!!

  180. Brandy says:

    I never thought of doing this! Thanks for the idea!

  181. Betsy says:

    What a great idea! I never thought about shopping on line for common household items! Thank you!!

  182. Bobbie Corrigan says:

    I love this idea. Thank you for all of your wonderful videos!

  183. Elaine says:

    I have never ordered household supplies online though I order quite a few other things online. Thanks for the tip……I have a feeling I will really find it useful.

  184. Hope says:

    I would love to try on-line shopping for household products and!!! Love P and G!

  185. Haydie Lopez says:

    I’ve never thought to buy household items online I’ll have to give it a try

  186. Michelle Stahl says:

    Thank you for the suggestion. I hadn’t really thought about buying my household items online. Can you use coupons with these purchases?

  187. savanna says:

    Very good idea. I love your ideas and have used so many. Thank you so much.

  188. kristina says:

    Thanks for the advice! I always wondered how it was to order household items on the internet 🙂

  189. Sarita says:

    I buy Method products at but have never considered paper towels or toilet paper but love the idea since I really hate shopping!

  190. Tina Johnson says:

    I have never considered buying household items online, but that does seem like a no brainer.

  191. Margaret Contreras says:

    What a great video! Something to think about. Not sure about having to wait for items to arrive but I’m impatient like that. Thanks Nikki!

  192. Teresa v. says:

    I haven’t purchased home products online before, that is a great idea. Thank you, you always have great tips and ideas 🙂

  193. Ally says:

    Love the idea!!!

  194. Crystal S. says:

    I’m like you Nikki, I’ve never ordered household supplies from Walmart before. It sounds like the process was very easy and I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for the great video.

  195. lajuana says:

    Nikki, I have never ordered cleaning supplies online. Like you I have ordered other items from Wal-Mart online, but ordering cleaning supplies never came to mind. I wouldn’t mind coming home and the boxes waiting at the door. One less chore.

  196. Cindi says:

    I’ve done this, but not regularly. Good reminder.

  197. Janet Tedrow says:

    Yes I have purchased some household products on-line. I was buying something else and needed a few more dollars to get me to $50. We do not have a super Wal-mart close to us and our small one doesn’t always have what I need (very small selection). I did it that once and told my husband I should do that all the time and of course, never did. However, now I need some scrapbooking adhesive which our store does not carry so I am going to place another order on-line for that and get to the $50 with household items. Thanks for reminding me. Janet

  198. Jennifer Sanders says:

    I love shopping online. Very convient

  199. Charlotte Sayles says:

    I have purchased things like mop heads, sponges and cleaning solutions on line before mainly when I needed more than two items because its a great way to buy in bulk cheaper.. Love the blog and youtube channels, tfs

  200. Wendy says:

    I’ve purchased a few things for our household o line. It’s so convenient and I like the ease of not having to leave my home 🙂

  201. Diana Adams says:

    Yes. I have purchased cleaning items online. It was a good experience.

  202. Row. says:

    other than gifts I have never tried online shopping for the home. I am so happy you shared your experience with us. I will be doing this soon!

  203. Gail Fuhlman says:

    Yes I have purchase cleaning items on line.

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