
Spend The Morning With Nikki

Yesterday morning I was in the mood to just share some things with you that were going on in my world.  Although I am not a morning person, I sat in front of the camera way too early for my liking.  It takes me a minute in the morning to settle into my day.  My sparkle time is really at night.  That is when I think my best and work my best.   One of the things I was excited to share with you was my Globe In subscription.  This was so much fun to receive and share.  I hope you will enjoy the video where I share with you the unboxing of my Globe In “World Kitchen” basket, along with joining me on my Saturday morning where I share a cleaning tip and take you shopping with me.  

  1. Danae says:

    Hmm, what country do I want to visit… I’m lucky enough that I’ve seen a lot of the world already, so I guess the country I’d like to visit is Japan as it’s one of the few I haven’t been to. To revisit somewhere I’ve already been, I’d go back to Egypt… it was truly amazing and eye opening.

  2. ElleX says:

    I want to visit U.A.E. Thanks for doing this giveaway. Love the new lamp!

  3. Melanie says:

    Loved your video. I would like to visit Europe with my children to see all the awesome architecture.

  4. Melanie says:

    I would like to visit Europe with my children, many places, England, Italy ect I want them to see all the wonderful architecture .

  5. madiha says:

    really nice video.for me i would love to see the whole world,but to be specific i would love to visit Egypt !!

  6. Carolyn Pullian says:

    Italy is the country I would love to visit one day.Thanks as always for your great videos!

  7. mary says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win. I will be subscribing for the 6 month refresh package. Plus with my 25% off first order code “NIKKI” will be a sweet deal. I have adult children, family members, elderly church family members I think these one of a kind gifts would be such a special treat. A person cannot just go out and purchase. There are always birthdays and Christmas coming soon. (Can you believe it we are living in the month of March?!) Thank you. Your the best.

  8. Maryann Damron says:

    I would love to go to Paris and Italy and I will one day.

  9. crystal mccord says:

    The UK.

  10. susan johns says:

    Greece is on my bucket list!

  11. Michelle M says:

    I would love to go to Germany:)

  12. Joni says:

    I would love to visit Australia or Greece

  13. Joni says:

    I’d love to visit Australia or Greece

  14. Sheryl says:

    Where would I lie to visit is a really hard decision as there are some wonderful places out there. But if I really had to pick it would be either Scotland for myself or Africa for my children as it is on their bucket list.

  15. Stefanie says:

    I would love to visit Japan!

  16. Amber says:

    I can’t pick just one country! I would love to tour Europe!

  17. Beth says:

    Italy would be my first choice. Such wonderful history all over Europe.

  18. mary says:

    I would love to visit South Korea (my kids are working and living there) Thank you for amazing videos. 🙂

  19. Kathie says:

    Would love to visit viet nam

  20. Dawn says:

    I’d like to visit Australia.

  21. Adetta says:

    Im planning a trip to the UAE. My mother is working there and I am going to visit soon. I would like to go to Morroco to visit. I’ve been to Egypt and the UK.

  22. I would love to take my family of 3 to England. I wonder if it will be a culture shock…lol

  23. Janice Upton says:

    I’d love to visit Ireland. My mother’s family came from there and it looks so beautiful in pictures.

  24. Sharon Johnson says:

    Nikki…I absolutely love your creativity and you sharing new worlds with us. I would love if you continued to share the World Basket!

  25. Lisa b says:

    It has always been my dream to visit Italy!!

  26. Nicole says:

    I would like to go to Barbados, especially during Carnivale!

  27. Jes says:

    I just love everything you share, it is fun, fresh and creative. I would like to visit Hawaii with my family

  28. Shari says:

    Thank you for such a great giveaway. I have always wanted to visit Paris, the city of love. And any island in the Carribbean! Love the lamp also!

  29. Radhi says:

    Greece and Australia are on my bucket list. I hope to visit them some day. Thanks Nikki.

  30. Cathy says:

    I would love to see a video each month when you get a new box from Globe in World Kitchen and I want to enter the giveaway.
    Personally I like the beaded lamp shade with your new lamp.
    Thanks for showing how to wash your broom. I feel like an idiot that I never wash my broom.

  31. Donna says:


  32. Francine Brooks says:

    I would love to visit Italy. Your lamp is beautiful and I love the crystal finial with it.

  33. April Teel says:

    I would love to visit New Zealand. I think I could live off the wonderful scenery over there.

  34. Dottie says:

    I have always wanted to go to Europe. I told my husband if we spent a week in each country we would be gone until Christmas.

  35. b says:

    :ice video. 8 would love to visit the 7nitedrest )kingdom. 5hanks for sharing!

  36. DARLA says:

    I want to see Israel before my time is up!!!! Thanks for the chance at the awesome giveaway!

  37. Delores Peoples says:

    I would like to visit Africa

  38. Tamara says:

    I’d love to see the world, but the country at the top of my list is Israel. A close second is Greece.

  39. Andrea says:

    I want to visit Paris! It is my number one bucket list destination. Thank you for this amazing giveaway.

  40. Jean Aragon says:

    Ireland is the country I want to visit. 🙂 Regarding your new lamp, I actually like your older lampshade with it; I think the bumps dress up the lampshade and make it a nice “match” for the lamp. However, the new shade also looks nice with the lamp. The crystal finial definitely does not look right with the lamp. 🙂

  41. Jessie says:

    I would love to visit Spain and Thailand.

  42. Chris says:

    Around the Mediterranean

  43. Tracy Elks says:

    Thank you for sharing your new subscription box on YouTube! Love your channel. I would love to visit Spain.

  44. Missy Naughton says:

    I know, not very original…but, I would like to go to Ireland and visit the side (my grandfather’s) of my family that still lives there.

  45. Willetta says:

    Love your videos! There are many countries I’d like to visit….let’s start with Australia!!

  46. Michelle Robinson says:

    I would love to visit Israel.

  47. Sarah Ann Wong says:

    I would love to visit Taiwan because I have family there.
    Thanks for sharing your Saturday morning with us and for the chance to win.

  48. Celine Venzor says:

    What a fun basket!! And I’m loving that pink salt! 🙂 I would absolutely love to visit Europe! 🙂

  49. Ges Decene says:

    I would love to visit Europe.

  50. Michelle R. says:

    I would love to go to Israel.

  51. Suzan says:


  52. Joanne Braun says:

    I just Loved your New video & spending some time with you! Shopping & learning a new tip!

  53. Joanne Braun says:

    forgot to mention I would Love to go to Sicily, Italy where my family is from!

  54. Lana says:

    I would like to visit Ireland. I just found you online and am enjoying your videos. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Rachel Burkett says:

    I have always had it in mind that I would love to visit Africa or a country where people lead a simple life. We can all take our life styles for granted so much, I would like to see a family who don’t have a wardrobe full of clothes they don’t wear or a family that doesn’t have a dishwasher to depend on to keep their kitchen clean. (They may not even have a kitchen) why do I want to do this? So I learn to appreciate the things I do have a little more and not take them for granted so much. To show my children that happiness does not depend on batteries and electrical gadgets. A simple happy life!!

  56. Sonja C says:

    Nikki, I love all of your videos. I especially enjoyed this one. I was born outside of the USA as were my siblings and enjoy international travel immensely. My master’s degree is in international management and so when I saw that you had put up this video, I think I watched it three times in a row!! I was immediately drawn in by the subject matter as I had never heard of this company. I will definitely take a look and consider a subscription. Having traveled in Asia and Latin America, I would like to travel next to Europe and Australia. Thank you for the giveaway and have a wonderful day!!

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