
Create a Work-Life Balance that Works for You

Finding a work-life balance is good for both your physical and mental health. But many times, heavy job responsibilities steal that balance away. When that happens, both our work and home life can suffer.

But how can you achieve that balance and still excel at your job?

Use these strategies to create the work-life balance you seek:

1. Avoid checking your work emails outside the office. While in the office, you’ll probably check your work emails often to ensure that any meetings and deadlines are met. However, checking them when you’re off work allows your work life to invade on your home life.

● Set boundaries with yourself and your work colleagues regarding emails so that you can take care of work communications only while at work.

2. Learn to say no. You may love your job, but it’s usually unnecessary to be available 24/7. We all need a break occasionally, and there is nothing wrong with saying no once in a while, especially outside of your allotted work hours.

3. Work smarter, not harder. Instead of working all hours of the day, with very little rest, work smarter. You’ll actually get more done in a shorter period of time. I am really pushing myself to do this within my own business.

● Prioritize important tasks and do these tasks first each day. This way, the most important things always get done.

● Avoid unproductive activities, such as unstructured meetings or constantly checking social media accounts.

4. Leave work at work. Achieving this may be easier said than done, but when you clock out for the day, remind yourself that work has finished.

● Perhaps take a moment to acknowledge that work has finished by stopping and taking a breath before your commute home. Taking a moment to reflect on your day and prepare yourself to switch from a work mindset to a home mindset will help ensure that you are not bringing the day’s work and stress home with you. 

5. You don’t need to be perfect. Have you ever been on your way out of the office, only to turn back around because you thought of a way to make a report or task perfect? Sometimes, it pays to remind yourself that you and your work are good enough.

6. Focus on things outside work, such as playing with your pets or taking a long walk in the park. For some of us, our work is our life, but what happens if we lose our job? Where does that leave us? It may be a scary thought to consider, but creating a fulfilling life outside work is good for your mental health.

● Develop hobbies that interest you. Spending time doing something you love reduces stress and energizes you while relaxing and uplifting your mood. Add some “happy time” to your life!

7. Make your own rules. There has been a shift in work attitudes, especially among younger workers. More people – even bosses – are recognizing the value of work-life balance. Brainstorm ideas that will help separate your work from your home life and run them by your boss. You may be surprised to find they agree!

Finding a balance between work and your home life can be difficult, but it’s well worth the effort to create a beautifully organized life!


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