
Home Tips: Episode 5

This weeks home tips went much better than last weeks.  I at least found some tips this week that could be very useful to me.  After my disappointing week with the tips last week it was so refreshing to find some great new tips.  I hope you will also find some tips from this video that can help you around your home.  Enjoy!  Nikki

This weeks home tips video:

  1. Wonderful tips! Some of those I already do but some I have not tried yet. Suggestion try baby power on oil stains and rub it in very well… it helps!

  2. Patty says:

    You have really helped me get my sh_t together with your cleaning and organizing. Inspiring.

  3. Sprice says:

    I just came across your website while researching youtubes of craft and sewing room design/organization. I just finished reading every one of your posts. I love, love, love your decorating ideas. I, too, love to take those little jewels that I pick up here and there and find the perfect place for it in my home. Your ideas for repurposing are so inspiring. Thanks for my new favorite website.

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