
Home Renovation Madness! How to Stay Organized During Your Next Project

Home renovation projects can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. On the one hand, you’re excited at the prospect of transforming your living space and creating your dream home. On the other hand, the process can be overwhelming and stressful, and even the smallest mistake can result in a big mess. This is why it’s crucial to stay organized, especially if you have a busy schedule. How can you keep your project on track and reduce the stress? Here are some tips on how I stay organized during your next renovation project.

1. Create a plan
Before starting any renovation project, it’s essential to have a plan in place. This plan should lay out all the details of the project, including a timeline, budget, and all the materials required. Be sure to include all the little details, such as color schemes, lighting, and finishes you want to use. Once you’ve created your plan, you can use it as a guide throughout the project’s duration to keep you on track.

2. Keep a notebook, binder, or the “Beautifully Organized Home Planner.”
While you’re in the planning phase, it’s a good idea to keep all the details in one place. A notebook or binder is an excellent way to keep everything organized. It can include sketches, measurements, materials, and any other details related to the project. You can refer to it whenever necessary, and it can help you stay on top of everything. My “Beautifully Organized Home Planner” is the perfect binder to not only help you organize your home renovation projects but also serve as a record of the materials used in your home, such as paint colors, etc.

3. Use a to-do list
A to-do list is a handy tool as it helps you keep track of everything that needs to be done. It’s also a great way to prioritize tasks. You can create a daily to-do list for the project, complete with deadlines. This way, you’ll know what needs to be done and by when. It can be a lifesaver, especially when you’re juggling a busy schedule.

4. Create an inventory
Creating an inventory of all the materials needed for the project is another way to stay organized. This way, you can keep track of the materials you have on hand and what needs to be purchased. You can also keep track of the prices of each item to ensure you stay within your budget. An inventory can also help you spot any missing pieces and avoid unpleasant surprises.

5. Clean as you go
Home renovation projects can be messy, and leaving things to pile up can make things worse. Cleaning as you go is a great way to stay organized during your project. It means that you’re keeping the work area tidy, and you’re less likely to misplace tools or any important materials. Plus, it helps to reduce stress when you’re not surrounded by clutter. Mike and I often double-team as we are working on a project. As he is working on the project, I am cleaning up the mess and ensuring he has all the tools he needs. This helps the project flow smoothly.

Home renovation projects can be stressful, but with the right organization, you can reduce the headache and actually enjoy the process. Creating a detailed plan, keeping a notebook or binder, using a to-do list, creating an inventory, and cleaning as you go are all excellent ways to stay organized during your renovation project. By having everything in place, you’re setting yourself up for success, and you’ll have a smoother and more enjoyable project overall. Don’t let the idea of home renovation stress you out; with a little organization, you’ve got this!

Hugs and Love, Nikki

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  1. Janet Furr says:

    It’s so funny how mindsets can be so polarized about projects. My husband & I are opposites. I’m always excited and happy in the planning & execution, while he is stressed. I truly think it’s all about control issues. If he feels out-if-control or if surprises & unexpected occurrences happen (which invariably do), it’s a big deal. On the other hand, I don’t feel t that same anxiety because “control” isn’t an issue with me.

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